• Large campus with garden areas and river views

  • On-campus accommodation locations

  • Air-conditioned classrooms

  • Free Wi-Fi & Computer labs

  • Library & Study Centre

  • Relaxing lounge areas with fully set-up microwaves & fridges

  • Games + Sport facilities & Activity Rooms

  • 10-minute ride to the city

  • Vending machines

Campus Address:

46 Thorn Street, Kangaroo Point, QLD, 4169

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Brisbane is the capital city of Queensland and is known for its beautiful weather, with a subtropical climate. Brisbane is also a hub for cultural events, shopping, and dining, making it a popular destination for both tourists and residents.

Living costs in Australia, visit


  • Brisbane is one of the fastest-growing cities in Australia and is known for its vibrant urban precincts, outdoor lifestyle and friendly locals

  • Our amazing river city offers lots of walking and bicycle paths to explore the city, river and parks

  • Exciting nightlife with clubs, pubs and music venues

  • A short Ferry ride away is South Bank, home to our Cultural Centre with world-class galleries and entertainment

  • Kangaroo Point cliffs, just a 5-minute walk from our campus is a popular place for picnics, abseiling and rock climbing